Ricercatore TD/b

Juri Di Rocco


Model-Driven Engineering, Mining software repositories, Recommender systems, Modeling assistants
06 Ingegneria del Software
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP Scopus Research Gate


Dr. Juri Di Rocco is a tenure track assistant professor (RTD/b) at the University of L’Aquila, Italy. He obtained a PhD in Computer Science from the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila (Italy) in 2017 under the supervision of Prof. Alfonso Pierantonio and Prof. Davide Di Ruscio (co-advisor).

His research interests include both the practical and foundational aspects of Software Engineering,Model-Driven Engineering, Mining Software Repositories, and Recommender Systems.

Advanced techniques, including metamodeling, domain-specific modeling, and megamodeling, have been devised for defining model management operations, such as model differencing, conflict management, coupled evolution, repository clustering and classification, and quality analysis. Recently, he has been investigating recommender systems for mining open-source code repositories. Providing developers with useful suggestions, e.g., additional third-party libraries, code documentation about how to use the APIs being adopted, or relevant API function calls, can be crucial for enhancing quality factors and cost-effective software development. To this end, Juri conceived different recommender systems associated with domain-specific modeling environments in the context of Model-Driven Engineering.Thus, approaches for the generative development of modeling assistants have been defined together with several clustering and classification techniques to underpin knowledge elicitation from artifact repositories.

Juri is an author of over 50 papers in international journals, conferences, and workshops in these topics. He has been a reviewer for many journals such as IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Empirical Software Engineering Journal, Software and Systems Modeling, Institution of Engineering and Technology journal, Journal of Systems and Software. He has served in the organizing and program committees of different international events, including WEARS, DATA4MDE, MOSC, ME, SLE (artifact-evaluation), MoDELS (tool demonstration track), FlexMDE, AMMoRe, WEBIST, COMMit-MDE, LowCODE.


Orario Ricevimento / Student hours

  • Gio / Thu 11:30 - 13:30


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