Information Engineering

The role of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in society has been constantly growing to touch disciplines such as medicine, biology, humanities, law and political science that are traditionally considered outside the ICT boundaries. This is demonstrated by the sector reports, framework programs of the European Community and the continuous scientific evolution in the world of standards, products and systems.

In the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics, the area of information engineering covers most of the skills required in the ICT, from control systems to signal processing and telecommunication networks, from software technologies and programmable platforms to digital electronic systems, in both teaching and research.

Degree Programs

Research Groups

Ricerca stagisti per assunzione presso Tiesse SpA

La società Tiesse SpA con sede a Ivrea ed Avezzano cerca un laureando o neo laureato in attesa di sistemazione da poter coinvolgere per un progetto di ristrutturazione del ...

Models and Algorithms for Financial Management

Students willing to attend Models and Algorithms for Financial Management Course are required to install on their PC a temporary license of the programming launguage GAUSS of ...

Precorso di Matematica a.a. 2021/22

Si informa che il Precorso di Matematica per i Corsi di Laurea triennali in Ingegneriadell'Informazione, Informatica, Matematica, Fisica e Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche dei ...

Student-Workshop UNIVAQ-Shibaura Inst. of Technology - Tokyo, 21-22 set 2021

Da diversi anni, ogni anno a settembre si tiene un workshop progettuale in cui gli studenti dell'Università dell'Aquila incontrano studenti dello Shibaura Institute of ...


COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT Eni Award 2022 The Prize Energy Transition - 200.000 Euros, The Prize Energy Frontiers - 200.000 Euros The ...

Calendario Scadenze- Sessione Autunnale a.a. 2020-2021

Si allega l'Avviso della Segreteria Studenti Area Scientifica con le scadenze per le lauree della Sessione Autunnale A.A. 2020-2021. DISIM ...

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