Professore Ordinario

Daniele Frigioni


Algorithms engineering, graph algorithms and data structures
11 Ingegneria Informatica
ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Information Engineering

Curriculum   Scholar DBLP Scopus Research Gate


Daniele Frigioni is Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L'Aquila, where he currently teaches Operating Systems, and Algorithms and Data Structures. His main research area is algorithm engineering, which concerns with the design, analysis, implementation and experimental evaluation of algorithms and data structures for real-world problems.  His research in this field has been focused on the development and engineering of efficient algorithms for dynamic graph problems, with special emphasis to the dynamic shortest path problem, which has pervasive applications in both the centralized and distributed setting. Other research interests include robust optimization in transportation networks and robot based computing systems. He has extensively published in international journals, conference proceedings, and books. He served in  the Program Committee of various international conferences. He has been involved in several EU and national research projects.

Orario di ricevimento/Student hours

  • Mercoledì (Wednesday): 14:30 - 16:30
  • Si può richiedere un ricevimento al di fuori degli orari ufficiali inviando una email al docente (to book an appointment you can send me an email)

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