Operations Research, Integer Programming, Combinatorial Optimization
07 Algoritmi, Strutture Dati, Ricerca Operativa, Intelligenza Artificiale
MAT/09 - Ricerca operativa
Computer Science and Operations Research
Fabrizio Rossi is full professor of Operations Research at the Università degli Studi dell'Aquila. His research focuses on modeling and solving large-scale optimization problems. In the optimization domain, specific research areas are Integer Programming, Combinatorial Optimization, Network Optimization and Scheduling. His activity mainly concentrates on methods for finding provably good solutions to computationally hard combinatorial problems. Developed techniques have been successfully applied to various industrial problems arising in telecommunications, manufacturing, logistics and biology.
With so many everyday activities governed by algorithmic principles, the power, precision, reliability and speed of execution demanded by users have transformed the design and construction of algorithms from a creative, artisanal activity into a full-fledged science in its own right.
Despite nearly 40 years of exponential growth in processing power, combined with even greater advances in integer programming methodology, small instances in the sts family still pose exceptional challenges to state-of-the-art integer programming software.