Human-computer interaction, Information systems, Virtual reality, Gender issues
11 Ingegneria Informatica
ING-INF/05 - Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Information Engineering
Laura Tarantino is Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila, where she teaches courses on Interactive Systems Design and Computer Architectures.
Her primary research activity is in Human-Computer Interaction with interest on the formalization of information visualization formalisms and interaction paradigms with application to Database and Information Systems in general, and more specifically to Technology Enhanced Learning systems, Health-care Systems, Disaster Management Systems, Geographic Database Systems, Multimedia Database Systems. She is particularly interested in the social impact of Information and Communication Technologies, focusing in particular on fragile and vulnerable popolation groups, such as children with cognitive disabilities (EU FP7 TERENCE project), elderly people (EU AAL HOPES project and pilot studies), victims of natural disasters (EagleVox and Emepolis projects, and pilot studies), people on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (Tetalab, MUR-AGID project CIG 7151860D90).
She published over 100 scientific papers in international journals, books and conference proceedings. She is referee for several international journals, and appears regularly in organizing committees and program committees of international and national conferences and workshops.
She is very active in issues related to Gender & Technology and Women & STEM. In particular, she is the DISIM Equal Opportunity Representative and the co-coordinator of Pinkamp, the DISIM summer camp on Computer Science, Information Engineering and Mathematics for high school girls, to bring them closer to STEM topics and to contribute to reduce the gender gap in such topics.
She is in the Scientific Board and in the Management Board of EcoNA, an inter-university center for research and services in the study of cognitive processes in natural and artificial systems.
(2022 – today) Head of the Computing Systems Engineering Study Program (Presidente del Consiglio di Area Didattica in Ingegneria Informatica) of the University of L'Aquila
(2022 – today) Member of the Technical and Scientific Committee of the Center of Excellence DEWS
(2021 – today) Equal Opportunity Representative for the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(2019 – today) Co-coordinator of Pinkamp, a summer camp on Computer Science, Information Engineering and Mathematics for high school girls, to bring them closer to STEM topics in order to reduce the gender gap in such topics
(2016 – today) Co-coordinator of TetaLab (Technology Enhanced Treatment of ASD Lab), a multidisciplinary research laboratory based on the cooperation among Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche Applicate e Biotecnologiche (DISCAB), Department of Engineering Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM), Centro Regionale di Riferimento per l’Autismo dell’Abruzzo (CRRA)
(2015 – today) Member of the Scientific Board and of the Management Board of EcoNA, an inter-university center for research and services in the study of cognitive processes in natural and artificial systems
(2017 – 2021) Head of the Emergency Management Board of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(2018) Interim Head of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(2016 – 2019) Vice Head of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(2014 – 2019) University representative for entrepreneurial skills training initiatives envisaged within the 2014-2019 strategic program of the University of L'Aquila
(2011 – 2018) Member of the Scientific Board of the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(2002 – 2005) Head of the Computing Center of the School of Engineering of the University of L'Aquila
(2012 – today) Associate Professor at Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Matemathics of the University of L'Aquila
(1998 – 2012) Associate Professor at Department of Electrical and Information Engineering of the University of L'Aquila
Laurea cum laude in Decorazione – ind. Beni Storico-Artistici (Historical and Artistic Heritage), Accademia di Belle Arti dell’Aquila
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