

  • (Associate) Professor of Computer Engineering @ Dept. of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) of University of L'Aquila (Italy)
  • Holding a National Scientific Habilitation, by ANVUR (Italian National Agency for the Evaluation of Universities and Research), as Associate Professor in both Computer Engineering (ING-INF/05, since 2019) and Computer Science (INF/01, since 2023) scientific sectors
  • Teaching Big Data: Models and Algorithms and Algorithm Engineering @ Dept. of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) of University of L'Aquila (Italy)
  • Co-Founder of TEEMA, spin-off of the University of L'Aquila. We develop web-based tools to model complex systems and analyze their (geometrical and electromagnetic) properties through fast and scalable cloud-based algorithms for big-data


  • I am interested in the Design, Analysis and Efficient Implementation of Algorithms. My work follows an Algorithm Engineering approach, combining theory and experimentation, and is (currently) mostly focused on: algorithms for efficient processing of massive (possibly dynamic) graphs; study of distributed systems, networks, systems of autonomous entities (e.g. agents, robots or drones) from an algorithmic perspective (including game theoretic, strategic aspects).

A summary of current and past activities can be found here: www.mattiademidio.com

Office hours are as follows:

  • Thursday: 11:00 - 13:00
Office Hours Re-scheduling [Prof. M. D'Emidio]

A causa di impegni concomitanti, l'orario di ricevimento studenti del Prof. D'Emidio è aggiornato, per le prossime due settimane, come segue: Settimana 08-14/01/2024: il ...

[Ing. dell'Informazione] Annullamento Lezione Sistemi Operativi del 12.10.2023

[Ing. dell'Informazione] Si avvisano gli studenti dell'insegnamento di "Sistemi Operativi" che la lezione prevista per domani giovedì 12 ottobre 2023, dalle ore 8:30 alle ...

Course Schedule Update - Algorithm Engineering (Prof. M. D'Emidio)

Si avvisano gli studenti del corso di "Algorithm Engineering" (Ingegneria Informatica, Prof. M. D'Emidio) che la lezione di Martedì 26.09.2023 inizierà alle ore ...

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