Professore Ordinario

Stefania Costantini


Artificial Intelligence (AI), Knowledge Representation and Automated Reasoning, Neurosymbolic AI, Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, Answer Set Programming, Epistemic Logics
07 Algoritmi, Strutture Dati, Ricerca Operativa, Intelligenza Artificiale
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP Scopus


Stefania Costantini. MSc “cum Laude”, University of Pisa (1983). From 2005, Full Professor at the DISIM Department, University of L’Aquila. Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence. Head of Research Group AAAI@AQ (Artificial Agents and Artificial Intelligence.


Keywords: Computational Logic, Logic Programming, Metaprogramming and Meta-Reasoning, Automated Reasoning (Answer Set Programming and its extensions/applications), Intelligent Autonomous Agents, Epistemic Logic, Graph Analysis.


(Co-)Author of about 150 International publications. Member of the Program Committee of the most important conferences in the fields, Chair of ICLP 2023, three times (Co-)Chair, General Chair of PAAMS2020, member of the Editorial Board of the journal “Theory and Practice of Logic Programming”. President of GULP (Italian Association of Computational Logic). Member of the Executive Committee of ALP (International Association for Logic Programming), Member of the Steering Committee of AIxIA (Italian Association of Artificial Intelligence). Coordinator for L’Aquila of the National Lab CINI AIIS (Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems). Evaluator for EU, Italian Ministry, Italian and foreign Universities and Institutions. Invited visiting professor: University of Texas at El Paso; Imperial College London; Universidad Politecnica de Madrid and Corunna University; Fundacion Univ. de las Americas, Puebla (MX).


Projects: Vice-Coordinator of Action COST CA17124  “DIGital FORensics: evidence Analysis via intelligent Systems and Practices”, UNIVAQ Node Coordinator in WASP (Working Group on Answer Set Programming, IST-FET-2001-37004)
and CUSPIS (a Cultural Heritage Space Identification System, GJU/05/2412/CTR/CUSPIS). Participant in several European, Italian and industrial projects. Member of the Committee of the National PhD program in Artificial Intelligence. At the University of L’Aquila: member of the Committee of the PhD Program in ICT; 2018-2021, member of the Quality Assurance Committee; 2011-2014, Coordinator of the PhD Program in Computer Science; 2013-2015, Director of BSc and MSC tracks in Computer Science; 2009-2011, vice-Director of the Computer Science Department. Lecturer for courses: Agent Architectures, Languages and Systems, Ontologies for Data Representation: Methods and Applications, Automated Reasoning, in the MSc track in Computer Science.


The AAAI@AQ research group has produced the following free software packages:



For students: you are welcome at my office on Wednesday's from March 6 on, 15:00-16:00, or by appointment (taken via email), in person or in videoconference,



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