
I'm a Ph.D. in Computer Science working as an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at the University of L'Aquila in L'Aquila, Italy.

My primary research interests are formal methods, applied to a variety of contexts ranging from formal languages to software verification (model checking), planning, conceptual modelling and cybersecurity

My current teaching activity includes the Web Engineering, Advanced Web Development and Databases Lab courses in the Degree in Computer Science and the Web API course in the Master in Mobile and Web Technology. I am also the primary tutor of all the students of the Master Degree in Computer Science, for all the issues concerning their study plan.

Ricevimento studenti / Office Hours: Mercoledì (Wednesday),15-17

(E’ consigliabile contattare preventivamente il docente per concordare le modalità del ricevimento / Please contact the teacher in advance to agree the meeting modality)

Piani di Studio Laurea Magistrale in Informatica

Si ricorda ai neo immatricolati alla Laurea Magistrale in Informatica che, entro il 31 ottobre, dovranno essere presentati i piani di studio per la scelta degli insegnamenti ...

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