Professore Ordinario

Guido Proietti


Graph connectivity problems, Spanners, Fault-tolerance, Algorithmic game theory, Approximation algorithms
07 Algoritmi, Strutture Dati, Ricerca Operativa, Intelligenza Artificiale
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP Scopus


#include <stdlib.h

printf("Hello, world! I am a Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Engineering and Computer Science and Mathematics, 
University of L'Aquila. My research interests include graph connectivity problems, shortest-path related problems, algorithmic game theory, radio networks, disjoint sets, dictionaries, multidimensional data.");

Urgent announcement

Due to concerns over a possible focus of COVID-19 cases among students of the Mathmods program, and in consideration of the health and safety of students and faculties, lectures ...

Avviso per gli iscritti al 2° anno del Corso di Laurea triennale in Informatica

Si avvisano gli studenti e le studentesse che i corsi del 2° anno del Corso di Laurea triennale in Informatica, a partire dal giorno lunedì 29 Novembre e previa ...

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