Opportunità per studentesse in AI e discipline STEM

We are happy to announce that our CV Repository sponsor, Bending Spoons, extends an exclusive invitation to 10 outstanding women students in artificial intelligence or STEM to the Synapse: AI Symposium organised in Milan on 30 September 2023. The 10 students, selected through the CV Repository, will receive a sponsored package including travel and accommodation to the Synapse. Priority will be given to Master’s and PhD students who have registered to CV Repository and emailed us their interest to participate in the Synapse by September 10 at the latest. 

We take this opportunity to remind you about the CV Repository’s Summer Reward Special,which runs until 15 September. Applicants have the chance to receive cash rewards and recruiters free trial access to our cutting-edge platform. Check out the full details here and register to benefit now!

Kindly assist us in extending this invitation to your colleagues and students, encouraging them to register and become part of our CV Repository.

Best regards,

Informatics Europe