Professore Ordinario

Alfonso Pierantonio


Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering
06 Ingegneria del Software
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum   Scholar DBLP Scopus


I have published more than 140 paper in international journal, conferences and workshops. Here is a list of the most recent published papers:

  1. A. Pierantonio, M. van den Brand, and B. Combemale. Open Access: all you wanted to know and never dared to ask. Journal of Object Technology (2020), Vol 19 No 1 p. 1-5
  2. J Di Rocco, D Di Ruscio, J Härtel, L Iovino, R Lämmel, A Pierantonio. Understanding MDE projects: megamodels to the rescue for architecture recovery. Software and Systems Modeling 19 (2), 401-423
  3. A Bucchiarone, J Cabot, RF Paige, A Pierantonio. Grand challenges in model-driven engineering: an analysis of the state of the research. Software and Systems Modeling, 1-9 (2020)
  4. L Burgueño, F Ciccozzi, M Famelis, G Kappel, L Lambers, S Mosser, RF Paige, A Pierantonio, A Rensink, R Salay, G Taentzer, A Vallecillo, M Wimmer. Contents for a Model-Based Software Engineering Body of Knowledge. Software and systems modeling ,18 (6), 3193-3205 (2019)
  5. A Cicchetti, F Ciccozzi, A Pierantonio. Multi-view approaches for software and system modelling: a systematic literature review. Software and Systems Modeling 18 (6), 3207-3233 (2019)

For a more complete list, please refer to Google Scholar or DBLP.

Seminar Announcement

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