power converters, renewable energy systems, distributed generation, smart grids, electric propulsion, electrical drives
12: Power converters for renewable energy, smart grids, e-transportation and industry
ING-IND/32 - Convertitori, macchine e azionamenti elettrici
Information Engineering
HARBIN, CHINA (2015-2017)
Prof. Ing. Carlo Cecati
Università degli Studi dell’Aquila
Dipartimento di Ingegneria e Scienze dell’Informazione e Matematica
Via Vetoio
67100 L’Aquila, Italy
ph: +39 0862 / 434 450
ph: +39 0862 1965 801
mob: +39 320 9231 077 (main)
fax: +39 0862 1960 411
email: carlo.cecati@univaq.it
italian certified email address (PEC): carlo.cecati@ingpec.eu
Carlo Cecati (IEEE Fellow, class 2006) was born in Lanciano, Italy in December 26th, 1957.
Graduated “Dr. Ing. in Electrotechnics” at the University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 1983, in the same year he joined the University of L’Aquila as a research fellow and a teaching assistant. From 1983 to 1986 he was consultant with BG & Partners, Rome, Italy and through them with Italimpianti SpA, Genova, Italy, developing real-time digital control algorithms for a desalination plant located in Umm-Al-Naar East, United Arabian Emirates. In July 1987, November 1990 and September 2001 he was appointed Assistant Professor, Senior Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, respectively and since October 2006 he is a Full Professor
of Converters, Electrical Machines and Drives (S.S.D. ING-IND/32) at the University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy.
From 2001 to 2008 he has been the Coordinator of all courses in technical area of the “Scuola di Specializzazione all’Insegnamento Secondario (S.S.I.S.) “Raffaele Laporta” a post-university school for secondary school teachers. From 2004 to 2007 he has been Director of ICT services (S.I.F.I.) at the Faculty of Engineering.
From 2005 until Sept. 30, 2013, he has been the Rector’s delegate in charge of the numerous projects (around 24 Million EUR) financially supported by the regional government. This activity has been carried out in partnership with the University of Chieti-Pescara “G. D’Annunzio” and the University of Teramo and during the first three years he has been the general coordinator of the three universities.
From 2010 till 2015 he has been the founder and the Coordinator of the Ph.D. courses in Energy Management, Renewable Energy and Sustainable Building.
From January 2014 to July 2014 he has been a Guest Professor, from August 2014 to August 2015 the Chief International Academic Adviser and from September 2015 till August 2017 he has been a High Level Foreign Expert (1000 Talents Plan) Distinguished Professor at School of Electrical Engineering and Automation, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, P.R. China. According to Academic Ranking of World Universities: http://www.shanghairanking.com/FieldENG2016.html HIT, is the 9-th school in Engi-
neering/Technology and Computer Sciences - 2016 around the world.
Prof. Cecati’s research and technical interests fall in the area of renewable energies and energy saving, in particular applications of power electronics to renewable energy systems, distributed generation, smart grids, electrical drives, electric vehicles and other applications, with emphasis on modeling, control, modulation techniques, fault diagnosis, and in microprocessor/FPGA applications and industrial networks. In these fields he authored more than 200 technical papers published in most prestigious international journals (IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine, IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, IET Power Electronics, Electric Power System Research (Elsevier), Intelligent Industrial Systems (Springer), Energies and others), book chapters published by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun (Japan), Springer Verlag (Germany), Elsevier (Holland), Wiley (U.K.), and prestigious confence proceedings (IEEE IECON, IEEE ISIE, IEEE ICIT IEEE IAS Annual Meeting, IEEE PESC, IEEE APEC, IEEE Powertech, IEEE EPE-PEMC, ICEM, EPE, SPEEDAM, ICCEP, ESARS, and others). Many of them are jointly publications with international researchers.
From 2013 to 2015 he has been the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (Journal Impact Factor = 6.5); previously, He has been a Co-Editor-in-Chief (2009-2012) and an Associate Editor (2004 - 2017) of the same journal. From 2006-2008, He has been a Technical Editor of the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics.
His scientific activity has been evaluated “eccellente” by “Agenzia Nazionale Valutazione Ricerca Universitaria” (ANVUR), the ranking agency estabilished by italian Ministery of University and Scientific Research (MIUR).
Due to his outstanding research profile in 2006 he has been elevated IEEE Fellow with the following motivation: “For contributions to advanced control of power electronics converters and electrical drives”. This very prestigious academic title is conferred for “unusual distinction in the profession, by the Board of Directors upon a person with an extraordinary record of accomplishments in any of the IEEE fields of interest” (http://www.ieee.org/fellows). Each year only up to 0.1% of members (more than 400.000) receive this recognition. His main scientific contributions, before recognition, were in the area of non linear control of power converters and drives and in development of architectures for real time implementation of complex control algorithms. He has been a pioneer in parallel processing applied to digital control, in application of fuzzy logic in power converters control and in passivity based control of power converters and drives.
In 2012 and in 2013 Carlo Cecati was a co-recipient of the Best IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics Paper Award (Journal Impact Factor = 8.785) and in 2012 of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine Best Paper Award (Journal Impact Factor = 5.061).
In 2017 Carlo Cecati received the Anthony J. Hornfeck Award for his exceptional service to the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society.
In addition to his activity as Editor-in-Chief, Co-Editor-in-Chief and Associate Editor, Prof. Cecati has been a Guest Editor of several journal Special Sections:
• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
– “Methods and Systems for Smart Grids Optimization”
– “Fractional Horsepower Electrical Drives”
– “Smart Devices for Renewable Energy Systems”
– “Real-time fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant control”
– “Monitoring, diagnosis, prognosis and techniques for increasing the lifetime/reliability of photovoltaic systems”
– “Emerging Power Quality Problems and State of The Art Solutions”
– “Power-electronics-enabled Autonomous Power Systems”
– “Wireless Power Transfer for Smart Industrial and Home Applications”
• IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
– “Information Technologies in Smart Grids”‘
– “Industrial Sensing Intelligence”
• IEEE Access
– Special Section on Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things
• Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (Springer)
– “Advanced Computational Intelligence Systems for Smart Grids Planning and Management”.
and in several international conferences (IEEE IECON and IEEE ISIE).
He has served as a reviewer for the most important international journals and conferences in the field of power electronics and drives and their control.
He has been Technical Committe, Steering Committee, Advisory Board member in almost all most important conferences organized in the field of industrial electronics, and:
• General Chairman:
– “IEEE-ISIE 2002” (L’Aquila, I)
– “IEEE-ISIE 2004” (Aiaccio, F)
– “IEEE ISIE2008”, (Cambridge, UK)
– “INISCOM” (Tokyo, J, March 2-4, 2015)
– “ESDT” “International Symposium on Smart Electric Distribution Systems and Technologies” (Vienna Sept. 8-11, 2015)
– “IEEE-IECON2016”, (Florence, Italy October 24-26, 2016).
• Honorary Chairman:
– “IEEE ISIE 2010” (Bari, I)
• Technical Program Chairman:
– IEEE-IECON 2007” (Taipei, Taiwan)
– “IEEE-ISIE 2013” (Taipei, Taiwan)
– IEEE IWIES 2013 (Vienna, Austria)
– IEEE ISIE2014 (Istanbul, Turkey).
– AEIT 2018 Annual Meeting (Bari, Italy)
– 5th International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2018) (Rome, Italy)
• Publication Chairman:
– “IEEE IECON 1994” (Bologna, I).
• Special Session Chairman:
– “IEEE-ISIE 1997” (Guimaraes, P)
– “IEEE IECON 1998” (Aachen, D)
– “IEEE ISIE 2003” (Rio de Janeiro, BR)
– “IEEE-IECON 2003” (Roanoke, USA)
– “Mechatronics & Robotics 2004” (Aachen, D)
– “IEEE-IECON 2005” (Railegh, USA).
• Tutorial Chairman:
– “IEEE-IECON 2011” (Melbourne , AU)
– “IEEE-IECON 2012” (Montreal, CA),
– “IEEE-IECON 2013” (Vienna, Austria)
– “IEEE-IECON 2014” (Dallas, USA) .
• Track Chairman:
– “Mechatronics” in “IEEE-ISIE 2000” (Puebla, MX)
– “Sensors and Actuators” in “IEEE-ISIE 2005” (Dubrovnik, Croazia).
– “Power Electronics” in:
∗ “IEEE-ICIT 2004” (Hammamet, TN)
∗ “IEEE-IECON 2006” (Parigi, F)
∗ “IEEE-ISIE 2006” (Montreal, CA).
He has been an Invited Speaker, Plenary Speakers, Panel Speaker or Tutorial Speaker in several international universities and international conferences in USA, Canada, U.K., Korea, Denmark, France, Germany, Spain, Qatar, China, Taiwan, Poland, Angola, Lebanon, Italy.
Prof. Cecati received a Certificate of Appreciation by the President-Elect of The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan, Prof. Kouhei Ohnishi, “For great contribution to establishment of strong tie between Italian Scientific Community and Japanese Scientific Community”.
Since 1990 he has been an active member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics, IEEE Industry Applications, IEEE Power Electronics, IEEE Control Systems. Among several duties, he has been Vice President for Workshops of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (2004-2005), committee member of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society Fellow Committee (2007-2013), Publication Committee (2009-today), Conference Committee (2004-2005 and 2018-2019), Finance Committee (2004-2005), IEEE IES Region 8 Coordinator (2007-2009).
He has been a founder and a Co-Chairman of the IEEE IES Smart Grids Committee, and a member of IEEE IES Renewable Energy Committee and IEEE IES Power Electronics Committee; since more than 15 years he has been a member of the IEEE IAS Electrical Drives Committee and IEEE IAS Industrial Automation and Control Committee.
He has been a evaluator of european projects (FP7 and ERC) and of Qatar National Research Fundation projects, referee, committee member or president of numerous national and international PhD dissertations and in promotion of candidates to assistant, associate or full proofessor rank, committee member in evaluation of B.Sc., M.Sc. and doctoral courses at the University of Coimbra (Portugal).
Carlo Cecati has been a consultant or an advisor of the University of Salerno and ACEA Distribuzione SpA, the utility company of the City of Rome, in research projects in the field of distributed generation and smart grids, moreover, at the beginning of his professional career he has been a consultant in design of innovative digital control systems.
In 2007 Carlo Cecati has been a Co-Founder of DigiPower Ltd. (https://www.digipower.it), an University of L’Aquila spin-off operating in the field of industrial electronics and informatics, modeling, electromagnetic analysis and compatibility, being C.E.O. until 2012. Now he is Chief Technical Officer. DigiPower Ltd. has been a consultant firm for SME and large enterprises in development of power converters for distributed generation, smart grids and avionics. Currently, DigiPower Ltd. has a staff of more than 10 people (>80% engineers) and
it is developing high power modular multilevel converters for distributed generation and smart grids in the
frame of “HORIZON 2020” PON I&C 2014-2020”.
Carlo Cecati is a registered engineer in Italy since 1984.
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