
Dajana Cassioli is Associate Professor of Telecommunications Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics of the University of L'Aquila, Italy.

She teaches the following classes (a.y. 2021-2022):

  • Wireless Channels, MIMO and Beamforming for the Master Program in Telecommunications Engineering 
  • Fondamenti di Comunicazioni for the Bachelor Program in Information Engineering
  • ICT Security for the Master Program in Appled Data Science
  • Advanced Computer Networks: Internetworking for the Master Program in Computer Science

Her main research interests are in the fields of measurement and modeling of wireless channels, wireless and mobile communication technologies, 5G/beyond 5G Networks and Network Security.

She is the Chair of the WIE AG of the IEEE Italy Section, and Past Chair of the IEEE Joint VT06/COM19 Italy Chapter.

She is the Coordinator of the University of L'Aquila Node of the CINI National Laboratory of Cyber-Security, where she is the coordinator of the CyberEquality working group to boost the inclusivity in cybersecurity.

In 2010 and 2016, she has been awarded the ERC Starting Grant VISION (Video-oriented UWB-based Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensing) and the ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant iCARE (MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients Receiving diseasE-oriented therapy).

She is author and co-author of tens of publications on prestigious International Journals and Conferences. She served as the Industry Co-Chair of PIMRC 2018, WIE Chair for RTSI 2018, RTSI 2019, RTSI 2020, MELECON 2020 and 2020 IEEE Int. Workshop for Industry 4.0 and IoT, and as TPC member of several International Conferences, like the ICC, PIMRC, VTC, GLOBECOM. She is an Associate Editor of the IET Electronic Letters and IEEE Communications Letters, and an Executive Editor of the Internet Technology Letters, John Wiley & Sons Ltd and Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

She has been the Director of the associated laboratory of RADIOLABS at the University of L'Aquila (2005-2012). She has been the scientific officer responsible in RADIOLABS for the European Projects WiNNOVATE (1G-MED08-525) and ULTRAWAVES (IST- FP5-2001-35189). She was involved in the European Integrated Projects PULSERS (FP6-506897) and PULSERS Ph. II (FP6-027142).

Since 2009 she serves as an Expert for the European Commission, for Review and Evaluation of European Projects, and for several national institutions in different countries.

In 2000 she was a Summer Manager with the Wireless Systems Research Dep. at AT&T Labs-Research, NJ, USA. She participated in the definition of the standard channel model for the IEEE 802.15.4 standard (2005).

Course Wireless Channels, MIMO and Beamforming (Prof. D. Cassioli)

Classes in Wireless Channels, MIMO and Beamforming (Prof. D. Cassioli) will begin on Thursday, Sept. 28, 2023 according to the schedule. Le lezioni di Wireless Channels, MIMO and ...

Seminario professionalizzante in Sicurezza nelle Reti Radio di Sensori e Veicolari

Il corso di laurea in Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni dell'Università degli Studi dell'Aquila propone per l'a.a. 2021/2022 il seminario professionalizzante in Sicurezza ...

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