
Research highlights

5G Networks: CoMP in 5G Networks, Convergence of fixed-mobile networks in 5G, Network function virtualization and SDN.

Cyber-security: Blockchain in Wireless Sensor Networks, Botnet detection with neural networks in SDNs.

Wireless Multimedia Sensor Networks (WMSNs): within the ERC Starting Grant VISION, I am designing and investigating novel architectures for WMSNs based on UWB 60 GHz radios, IP technology, and full context-awareness and adaptability.

60 GHz communication channel: within the ERC Starting Grant VISION, I have performed an extensive measurement campaign of the 60 GHz communication channels from 54 to 59 GHz and from 61 to 66 GHz in many different environments. I am devising a comprehensive channel model for these bands.

Routing in UWB sensor networks for low-data rate location/tracking applications for logistics and industrial environments: I have introduced a new multi-hop routing protocol with energy-aware feature, based on the greedy-perimeter stateless routing and showed its potentials in many papers for international conferences. This routing protocol has been integrated in the Network layer of the system prototyped in WP3b of the FP6 project PULSERS Phase II.

Evaluation of network architectures for UWB applications at high data rate (HDR and VHDR) and low data rate (LDR): I investigated the performance of several network architectures for UWB applications at HDR, VHDR and LDR within the WP3a of the Integrated FP6 Project PULSERS.

Ultra-Wideband Communications: I derived the first complete channel model for UWB radios that enables fast simulations and tractable performance analysis of UWB systems operating in the frequency range below 1 GHz; the model has had so far a great impact in the scientific community and has been included in the standard model of the IEEE 802.15.4a. I related the strong immunity to fading of UWB signals to the peculiarities of the UWB propagation channel; based on those propagation properties, I proposed the “Partial Rake” as the best trade-off in UWB channels between complexity and performance issues.
Specific contributions include:

- Propagation Measurements and Statistical Modeling: I devised a statistical propagation channel model based on experimental data in the band below 1 GHz. Performed extensive measurement campaigns within the EC FP5 IST project ULTRAWAVES framework at higher frequencies (4.78 GHz) using a direct-sequence correlative channel sounder. I derived an accurate statistical characterization of the UWB indoor channel in the band around 5 GHz.

- Receiver Design, Analysis and Simulations: I proposed numerical analysis based on the above mentioned model which enable the efficient design of UWB transmission. I evaluated link performance of reduced-complexity Rake receivers based on partial combining (PRake) in realistic UWB channels and compared them with the selective combining (SRake).

Spectral Analysis: I derived general expressions for the PSD of a variety of UWB spread-spectrum signaling schemes including random and periodic scrambling.

Bluetooth: I devised a semi-analytical framework that enables tractable analysis of performance of Bluetooth devices in a multi-piconet environment and conducted accurate capacity and performance analysis of Bluetooth devices in dense piconet areas.

Extension of GPS in railway tunnels at high speed: within a collaboration between RadioLabs and RFI, I was involved in the design of the re-irradiation system. I has been the responsible for the analysis and derivation of the channel model for the propagation of GPS signals in railway tunnels on the basis of simulations of both ray-launcing and propagation measurements conducted in a tunnel.

Simulation of WDM optical networks and optimization of semiconductor optical amplifiers: I designed a modular tool for the simulation of WDM optical networks. I modeled and simulated semiconductor optical amplifiers to optimize the design parameters so as to maximize the gain and saturation power.


Research Projects


2016-2017. Principal Investigator of the ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant 2015 iCARE - MobIle health-Care system for monitoring toxicity and symptoms in cAncer patients Receiving diseasE-oriented therapy, of the European Research Council.

  • Start date: June 1, 2016.
  • Duration: 18 months.
  • Total budget: 150 k€ (EU-funding: 150 k€).
  • Host Institution: SMARTLY: Natives of Smart Living s.r.l. (Principal Beneficiary)
  • Beneficiaries:Università degli Studi dell’Aquila.


2010-2015. Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Independent Researcher Grant VISION - Video-oriented UWB-based Intelligent Ubiquitous Sensing, of the European Research Council.

  • Start date: 1 April 2010.
  • Duration: 60 months.
  • Total budget: 1,2 M€ (EU-funding: 1,2 M€).
  • Host Institution: University of L’Aquila (Principal Beneficiary)
  • Beneficiaries: University of Rome Tor Vergata and Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.



▪ 2020-2023. Technical Manager for the University of L’Aquila of the H2020-MSCA-RISE-2019 project OPTIMIST - OPTIMised video content delivery chains leveraging data analysis over joint multI-accesS edge computing and 5G radio network infrasTructures.

  • Start date: May 1, 2020.
  • Duration: 48 months.
  • Total budget: 1.5 M€ (EU funding: 1.5 M€).
  • 6 partners (2 universities, 1 research centre and 3 industrial partners).


▪ 2009-2011. Scientific Responsible for RadioLabs of the European Project WiNNOVATE - Mediterranean Wireless Innovation (1G-MED08-525) of the STC Programme MED.

  • Start date: 1 May 2009
  • Duration: 36 months.
  • Total budget: 1,5 M€ (EU-funding: 1,5 M€).
  • 8 partners (4 public institutions and 4 research centers).


▪ 2006-2008. Involved in the proposal writing and in the technical work (with the role of responsible of RadioLabs’ work in WP3b “UWB Sensor Networks for Industrial and Logistics Applications”) of the of the Integrated Project PULSERS Phase II - Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems of the VI Framework of the European Community (Contract no. FP6-027142).

  • Start date: 1 January 2006.
  • Duration: 30 Months.
  • Total budget: 16.5 M€ (EU-funding: 7.7 M€).
  • 38 partners (accademia and industry).
  • Successfully completed.


▪ 2004-2005. Involved in the proposal writing and in the technical work (with the role of responsible of RadioLabs’ work in WP3a) of the Integrated Project PULSERS - Pervasive Ultra-wideband Low Spectral Energy Radio Systems of the VI Framework of the European Community (Contract no. 506897).

  • Start date: 1 January 2004.
  • Duration: 24 Months.
  • Total budget: 20.7 M€ (EU-funding: 12.4 M€).
  • 30 partners (accademia and industry).
  • Evaluated successfully completed at the end date of February 20-21, 2006.


▪ 2002-2004. Scientific responsible for RadioLabs of the European project ULTRAWAVES - ULTRA Wideband Audio Video Entertainment System (Contract no. IST-2001-35189) of the V Framework.

  • Start date: 14 April 2002.
  • Duration: 30 Months.
  • Total budget: 4.03 M€ (EU funding: 2.56 M€).
  • 6 partners (accademia and industry).
  • Evaluated successfully completed at the end date of October 20, 2004.



▪ 2021-2023. Project Manager for the University of L’Aquila of the project QUASAR – QUAntum SAfe NetwoRk funded within the PNMR 2018 of the Italian Ministry of Defense (A.D.-Teledife)

  • Start date: Feb. 19, 2021.
  • Duration (Phase I): 12 months.
  • Total budget: 350 k€ (funding: 350 k€).
  • 5 partners (5 universities).


▪ 2018-2020. Scientific Responsible for the University of L’Aquila of the project CYBERTRAINER, funded by the regional programme POR FESR Abruzzo 2014-2020, to create a training platform for cybersecurity managers and operators, serving also for testing new cybersecurity products and components, and for analyzing new threats.

  • Start date: May 1, 2018.
  • Duration: 30 months.
  • Total budget: 7.1 M€ (funding: 3.6 M€).
  • 6 partners (2 educational and 4 industrial partners).
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