Professore Associato

Giuseppe Alesii

corporate finance, financial management, real options, financial structure, derivatives, asset pricing
05 Finanza Aziendale
SECS-P/09 - Finanza aziendale
Mathematics and Applications

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP Scopus Research Gate

Home Page of Giuseppe Alesii

Giuseppe Alesii has been a student of financial management since 1986 when he attended a course in corporate finance at LUISS University, Rome, Italy. He is still searching for answers to the basic problems in corporate finance:

how much should I borrow ?

how much should I pay out as dividends of my annual income?

how should I choose my investment projects?

how should I value a listed security?

my courses deal with some topics within these fundamental questions. And I'm pursuing some research in these areas.


Office Hours / Orario Ricevimento Studenti

wednesday h 9.30 - 12.30 and by appointment, contact me at


Financial Data Analytics and Investment Data Driven Decisions

Session scheduled on April the 19th will be held at the same venue on a different time schedule: h 14.30-16.30. An additional practice session will be held at h.16.30-18.30. ...

Financial Data Analytics and Investment Data Driven Decisions

Session scheduled on April the 11th will be held at the same venue on a different time schedule: h 14.30-16.30. An additional practice session will be held at h.16.30-18.30. ...

Financial Data Analytics and Investment Data Driven Decisions

Friday the 5th of April 2024 session will be held with the following time schedule: h 16.30-18.30. Same venue. ...

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