Ricercatore TD/b

Juri Di Rocco


Model-Driven Engineering, Mining software repositories, Recommender systems, Modeling assistants
06 Ingegneria del Software
INF/01 - Informatica
Computer Science and Operations Research

Curriculum External site   Scholar DBLP Scopus Research Gate


Since 2013 Juri has been working on national and international research projects, contributing to the application of his research skills to the development of tools in various application domains, including service-based software systems, mining of open-source systems, recommender systems for software engineering, and modeling hybrid polystore systems. Juri actively participated in:

  • From January 2018 to December 2020: EU H2020 research project consortium "TYPHON - Polyglot and Hybrid Persistence Architectures for Big Data Analytics." [https://www.typhon-project.org/]. The project consortium consists of 13 partners, including 6 academics and 7 industrialists. TYPHON aims to provide a methodology for the design, development, query, evolution, analysis, and monitoring of architectures for the scalable persistence of hybrid data (relational, graph-based, document-based, textual, etc. Juri contributed to the adoption of a model-driven approach to develop the modeling notation, modeling editors and workbanches, and model transformations to design polystores. In addition, a recommender system has been developed to help the modelers to select the suitable persistence layer for each defined conceptual entity.
  • From January 2017 to December 2019: EU H2020 research project "CROSSMINER - Developer- Centric Knowledge Mining from Large Open-Source Software Repositories" -[https://www.crossminer.org/]. The project consortium consists of 12 partners, including 5 academics and 7 industrialists. CROSSMINER aims to design and implement techniques and tools to support development activities by exploiting the information extracted from existing Open-Source projects. Juri collaborated to the definition of different recommendation systems to obtain real-time advice to support development activities. Moreover, Juri actively collaborated to create a Knowledge Base, a core component of the CROSSMINER platform that integrates all provided recommender systems. Juri interacted directly with the other consortium partners by participating in all project meetings and the periodical reviews with EU reviewers.
  • From January 2012 to December 2015: EU H2020 project "OSSMETER - Automated Measurement and Analysis of Open-Source Software " - [https://www.ossmeter.com/]. The project consortium consists of 9 partners, including 5 academics and 4 industrialists. OSSMETER aims to extend the state-of-the-art in the field of automated analysis and measurement of open-source software (OSS), and develop a platform that supports decision makers in the process of discovering, comparing, assessing and monitoring the health, quality, impact and activity of open-source software. Juri contributed to the research and developing activities to define modeling notation and miner components that abstract and extract key concepts from different software forges.
  • From March 2014 to December 2015: EXPO ABRUZZO 2015. Expo 2015 was a universal exposition hosted by Milan, Italy, and the Regione Abruzzo contributed to the event programme with a multitude of activities. The contribution of the Università degli Studi dell’Aquila has been to create a platform for collecting heterogeneous data, managing the information according to different profiles usages, and distributing the profiled information by means of dedicated web-based systems and mobile apps. Juri collaborated to the design and development of the web-based system and Android and IOS mobile apps.
  • From January 2012 to December 2013: "FARM Free Architecture and Rational Methodology - POR FESR ABRUZZO 2007 2013." Juri participated in the research activities to define a methodology and a framework to develop Enterprise Rich Internet Applications.

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