Ricercatore TD/b

Mario Di Ferdinando


Sampled-Data Control; Nonlinear Systems; Time-Delays; Robust Control; Control Lyapunov/Krasovskii functionals;
10 Analisi e Controllo di Sistemi Complessi
ING-INF/04 - Automatica
Information Engineering

Curriculum   Scholar Scopus Research Gate


Mario Di Ferdinando is an Assistant Professor in Automatic Control at the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science and Mathematics (DISIM) at the University of L’Aquila (Italy).

In 2015 he received the master's degree in Computer and Systems Engineering summa cum laude from the University of L’Aquila, Italy. In 2018 he received the Ph. D. degree in Information and Communication Technology summa cum laude from the Department of Information Engineering, Computer Science, and Mathematics, at the University of L’Aquila. Currently, he is employed as a researcher in automatic control field at University of L’Aquila, Italy. His main research interests concern the sampled-data control of nonlinear time-delay systems, with biomedical, chemical and robotics applications.


Orario Ricevimento / Student hours

Martedì 14:30 - 16:30.

Per prenotare un appuntamento, si prega di inviare una mail all'indirizzo: mario.diferdinando@univaq.it


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