Seminary Exploring Cloud Computing & FinOps with Storm Reply: Serverless Services, Data Analytics, and Forecasting Solutions

Annuncio di Seminario/Seminar announcement




  • Exploring Cloud Computing & FinOps with Storm Reply: Serverless Services, Data Analytics, and Forecasting Solutions



  • this seminar, Storm Roma Reply, a prominent cloud consulting firm, will discuss its expertise in AWS cloud computing technologies with a focus on serverless services and data analytics infrastructures within the realm of FinOps topic. Through a real-world project example, we'll delve into how these technologies impact the industry.
  • It'll be a chance to discover collaboration opportunities with Storm Roma through some thesis proposals aimed at students interested in cloud computing. You'll have the opportunity to engage with experts, ask questions, and gain insights into the evolving landscape of cloud computing and financial operations.


  • Alessandra Mazzola (Manager at Storm Reply, Roma)
  • Valerio Paduano (Consultant at Storm Reply, Roma)
  • Alessandro Pecchini (Consultant at Storm Reply, Roma)



  • Students of degree courses in Computer Engineering, Computer Science, and Telecommunication Engineering


When & Where:

  • June 3rd, 2024 - h. 14:30
  • Room A1.6, Alan Turing Building


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