Computer Science and Operations Research

The Computer Science and Operations Research area is composed of about 27 faculties, working in the scientific disciplines of computer science and operations research, and several post-doc and PhD students.

The main investigated research areas are:

  • Software and Architecture Engineering, with special emphasis on the architectural design and verification of complex software systems, model-driven engineering and web applications;
  • Autonomous Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Answer Set Programming, Machine Learning, and Heuristic Programming, with particular attention devoted to knowledge representation in non-monotonic reasoning and preference handling. Applications: mobile e-commerce, smart energy management, hybrid systems, and robotic planning;
  • Automata, Formal Languages and Stringology and their applications to data compression and bioinformatics;
  • Theory and Applications of Algorithms, data structures and use of computational complexity, graph theory and game theory for the optimization, performance evaluation and determination of efficient solutions in distributed systems, autonomous social networks and communication networks;
  • Operations Research Methods and Applications, with the study of solution methods for combinatorial optimization and integer linear programming and their application to the design and management of telecommunications networks, manufacturing systems and IT infrastructures.

Degree Programs

Research Groups

Street Science 2021

Street Science 2021: PROGRAMMA ...

E' scomparsa la Prof.ssa Marisa Venturini-Zilli

Il DISIM partecipa con commozione al dolore della famiglia per la scomparsa della Prof.ssa Marisa Venturini Zilli, già in servizio nel nostro Ateneo nell'allora ...

Risultati dell'esame di Basi di Dati del 17 Settembre 2021.

================================================================Risultati Esame di Basi di Dati 17/9/2021 (Prof.ssa ...

Risultati dell'esame di Basi di Dati del 17 Settembre 2021.

Gli studenti con voto sufficiente devono specificare al piu' presto de accettano o meno il voto, che in caso positivo verra' verbalizzato. ...

Avviso del Direttore Generale

Con l'allegato link si forniscono le prescizioni impartite dal Direttore Generale in data 17.09.2021 relative alla ripresa delle attività didattiche in ...

Piani di Studio Laurea Magistrale in Informatica

Si ricorda ai neo immatricolati alla Laurea Magistrale in Informatica che, entro il 31 ottobre, dovranno essere presentati i piani di studio per la scelta degli insegnamenti ...

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