Mathematics and Applications

Mathematics is a way of understanding and analysing problems that can be formalised in mathematical models of a much more varied nature than is believed. It is an essential tool for the development of science and technology and permeates every area of the human knowledge such as physics, natural sciences, biology, social, economic, computer sciences and technologies. Mathematicians build models of the real world, and has unique abilities to analyse, formalise and solve problems. All essential skills on today's job market, handed down with passion and competence by our faculty whose expertise and quality of scientific research is at the forefront on the international scene. Our department also guarantees a rich program of international relations, which offers wide opportunities for growth and cultural exchanges, both incoming and outgoing.

Degree Programs

Research Groups

Commissione di Laurea ed elenco laureande/laureandi Seduta di Laurea in Matematica (I Livello) del 22.10.2022

In allegato la Commissione di Laurea e l'elenco laureande/laureandi Seduta di Laurea in Matematica (I Livello) del giorno 22 Ottobre ...

Commissione di Laurea ed elenco laureande/laureandi Seduta di Laurea in Ing. dell'infor./LM Ing. Info-Auto./LM Ing. delle Telec. del 22.10.2022

In allegato la Commissione di Laurea e l'elenco laureande/laureandi Seduta di Laurea in Ingegneria dell'informazione (I livello), Laurea Magistrale in Ingegneria Informatica e ...

Iscrizioni alla V edizione dell’Innovation Hackathon

Sono aperte le iscrizioni alla V edizione dell’Innovation Hackathon che si svolgerà a Pescara nei giorni 11 e 12 ...

Annullamento lezione Laboratorio di Algoritmi e Strutture dati di venerdì 14/10

Si comunica che per motivi di salute la lezione di Laboratorio di Algoritmi e Strutture dati di domani 14/10 è annullata e sarà recuperata in data da definirsi. ...

New message to international students of the Master’s Degrees in in "Mathematical Engineering" and "Mathematical Modelling" waiting for a visa

Dear international students of the Master's Degree in "Mathematical Enginnering" and "Mathematical Modelling" ,  I inform you that, starting from October 17, 2022, ...

Seminar: R&D investment and technological appropriability in a preemption model

Date:  October 18th, 2022 Hour:  3.30 pm Venue:   Room Mathematical Modelling Lab. Ground Floor, Coppito 1 building, ...

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